Why I'm Running
I am running for re-election because I want to continue to preserve the residential character of our community and the unique quality of life we share. I will represent the interests of residents and neighborhoods, protect our natural environment, pursue affordable housing opportunities, and help our managers and consultants understand the needs and values of our community.
I am a lifelong resident of Pacific Grove and current city councilmember. For the past four years I have diligently pursued policies and reforms to provide Pacific Grove residents a more responsive local government. This includes my work on the city council subcommittee to select a new city manager.
I have authored over a dozen ordinances and policies covering government reform, the environment, land use, transparency, and finance (listed here). Prior to being elected to the City Council I helped author Measure M, the successful citizens’ initiative that limits short-term vacation rentals.
(1) I will prioritize the upkeep of our city, including our business districts. This means better maintenance, landscaping, and repair of city assets. We must improve our roads and sidewalks and promote traffic safety. It’s time we get back to the basics
(2) I will also prioritize support for our Capital Improvement Plans. A lot of them have languished and there is a significant backlog. However, we are fortunate to have a new city manager and he's working to clear the backlog. With my support, and the support of Council, these infrastructure projects will be completed. Note: I do not support the proposed roundabout.